Ford will launch the next generation Fiesta (B299) in India this year. This means that the current Fiesta will either have to be faced out or renamed if Ford wants to call the 2011 Fiesta, the Fiesta. Hence the company will re-badge the current Fiesta as the Fiesta Classic. The new Fiesta will be base on Ford’s global kinetic design theme and is being extensively tested in Chennai, near the company’s manufacturing facility. The 2011 Fiesta will be powered by a more powerful 1.6 liter petrol motor producing 118bhp and 1.6 liter 90bhp diesel with 20.7kgm of torque. Ford will price the new Fiesta between Rs. 7-9 lakhs. the old Ford Fiesta will continue to sell alongside the new model, albeit in a rebranded avatar, and will now be called the Ford Fiesta Classic. Now, will Ford India chop off the Fiesta Classic’s prices and reposition the car as a VFM mid segment sedan alternative
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